Sunday, 20 March 2011

Blogs, Wiki's and Websites (Web 2.0)

WOW - These Web 2.0 technologies are awesome. Today I have spent all day playing around with my wiki and website. I could spend another 2 straight weeks on them too. However, that would be an overkill. The point is to understand that creating a wiki and website is relatively simple and they have some pretty great learning opportunities associated with them. CAN'T WAIT TO USE IT IN THE CLASSROOM.

The idea for my wiki is to encourage collaboration within a school community. I thought it would great to link it to the school's website. It is an opportunity for kids to comment on what they like about their school, their teacher, their lessons and even their play time. It can be great for parents to tell the school what they like and also for the teachers to comment on what they love about the school.  It might be a great way for everyone to pat themselves on the back and talk about what works for their school.  It would also be great for new comers to the school ie prospective students to see why it is such a great school. It could build respect and pride for the community. 

My wikispace:

The web page is the Kool Skool website which is basically just a website for a school.  But it is designed to be a bit more interactive then some primary school's websites. It has a place for students to go play games (educational of course), a page for parents to submit inquiries and a place for teachers to log in with links to resources. I have also linked the wiki page above.

My webpage:

Obviously the design could be better and more content would be required, with some better functionalities - but hey - not bad for a first attempt.  Watch this space for further reflection.

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